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New Install - ACP and MCP modules not available

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:59 am
by dug320

New install ACP and MCP modules are not available


Module not accessible


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 563
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 81
CALL: p_master->load_active()


Module not accessible


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 563
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/mcp.php
LINE: 310
CALL: p_master->load_active()

Any ideas??

Re: New Install - ACP and MCP modules not available

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:11 pm
by Dhurim
why is not a administration control panel here?